The European Parliament has voted to end mobile phone roaming charges from 15th December 2015 as part of a package of proposals that also promises ‘net neutrality’.
It means that customers travelling to other EU countries from the UK wouldn’t pay any additional cost for making calls, receiving calls, sending text messages or using mobile internet services when abroad.
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Figures from Ofcom’s latest European Broadband Scorecard show that the UK leads the EU’s five biggest economies when it comes to mobile broadband coverage, mobile broadband take-up, mobile broadband choice and general internet usage.
The comparison rated the UK against the other countries in the ‘EU5’: France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
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This week marks the silver anniversary of the World Wide Web. It’s 25 years since Sir Tim Berners-Lee wrote a proposal to improve communications at the CERN research organisation; a proposal that would eventually lead to the creation of a browsable ‘web’.
This ‘worldwideweb’ was designed to use the internet; a connected network of computers that started in the 1960s when the US military and US-based universities began linking their internal computer systems.
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New figures from media agency Mindshare Worldwide show that Thailand has the world’s highest proportion of internet users who aren’t relying on desktop computers.
Just 54% of people in Thailand used a desktop or laptop computer as their main internet device, with 32% using smartphones and 11% on tablets.
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But more than half will be carried on WiFi rather than cellular
Cisco’s Visual Networking Index report, which forecasts mobile data traffic for the next four years, anticipates an almost 11-fold increase in global mobile data from 2013 to 2018.
A total of 190 exabytes of data (190 billion gigabytes) is expected to be consumed on mobile devices in 2018; that’s the equivalent of every person on earth streaming a YouTube video clip every day.
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