Mark Bridge writes:
Last year, mobile payments seemed a lifetime away. Even Visa Europe's head of mobile wasn't overly optimistic about the likelihood of the 'mobile wallet' becoming a reality in the short-term.
This week we have not one, not two, but three mobile payment announcements.
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Mark Bridge writes:
Last week I spotted a couple of mobile-related news stories that involved payment company MasterCard. One came from CPI Card Group, which had introduced a “next-generation, MasterCard-approved payment tag” (a.k.a. 'sticker') that enabled “any mobile device to be used to make payments anywhere using the worldwide contactless MasterCard PayPass standard” (by sticking it on the back).
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Mark Bridge writes:
It's not often that a news story about the Apple iPhone prompts me to remember a bible verse... but this week was an exception.
The story was in The Washington Post and it was headlined 'Apple's iPhone does well without being the best'. “Very true,” I thought, as I remembered something similar I'd written last summer.
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Mark Bridge writes:
Cash is still king… but its days are numbered. That’s the message from a new report published this week by the Payments Council.
The Payments Council, which is a group of financial institutions that sets strategy for UK payments, has released ‘The Way We Pay 2010’. It shows how the last decade has seen a fall in the percentage of transactions using cash, from 73% in 1999 to 59% in 2009. In just five years time, cash transactions are expected to represent less than 50% – and a further fall to 45% is expected by 2019. Meanwhile, debit card spending in the UK rose from £65 billion in 1999 to £264bn in 2009.
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