LG has announced a special ‘Google Play’ version of its G Pad 8.3 tablet, which it says will be the first device to be designated a Google Play Edition tablet. This means it’ll run a ‘clean’ version of Android ‘KitKat’ version 4.4 rather than having LG’s own user interface on top.
The tablet’s hardware specifications are unchanged from the original LG model announced earlier in the year: an 8.3-inch 1920 x 1200 pixel display, a 1.7GHz quad-core processor and a 5 megapixel camera. Although the original tablet was known as the V500, this new Google Play version will be the V510.
Dr Jong-seok Park, President and CEO of the LG Electronics Mobile Communications Company, said “LG’s working relationship with Google has always been strong and our collaboration on the first-ever Google Play Edition tablet is proof of that commitment. The LG G Pad 8.3 Google Play Edition is a device with hardware and software that has been optimized for a truly consumer-friendly experience. There’s nothing else like it out there in the marketplace.”
The LG G Pad 8.3 Google Play Edition will be available in the USA for $349.99 (£215). Availability in other countries hasn’t been confirmed.