It's getting easier to create Augmented Reality applications, thanks to this week's release of the Qualcomm Augmented Reality Software Development Kit for Android smartphones. The AR SDK will help mobile developers create apps that deliver interactive 3D experiences involving everyday objects and scenes.
Qualcomm’s AR platform uses 'computer vision' technology to align graphics tightly with underlying objects, going beyond current AR mapping techniques that use a phone’s GPS and compass. The vision-based AR enables a graphics to appear 'anchored' to real world objects, offering 3D gaming experiences on tabletops and interactive media experiences on product packaging. Users can even to interact with AR applications simply by touching real-world surfaces.
Jay Wright, director of business development at Qualcomm, said "Qualcomm is making it easy for developers to create interactive 3D content for the real world. By making the Qualcomm AR SDK available at no charge, we are encouraging all developers to start building innovative applications and services today."
Qualcomm’s AR platform was first announced at the Uplinq developer conference and was demonstrated at the IQ2010 event in London.