Earlier this year RIM introduced a touchscreen smartphone called the BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha. It ran a modified version of the BlackBerry PlayBook OS and was designed to help developers test their BlackBerry 10 apps before the platform is launched officially in January 2013.
To date, over 7,500 BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha testing devices have been given to developers around the world.
RIM has now added a second developer device; the BlackBerry Dev Alpha C. Whilst the original Dev Alpha was an entirely touchscreen device - echoing the company’s plans for a touchscreen BlackBerry 10 smartphone - the Dev Alpha C has been created to help developers prepare for the launch of the BlackBerry 10 QWERTY device.
Developers who are planning at least two apps for BlackBerry 10 are invited to apply for one of the new devices from 1st December 2012.
In addition, RIM is promising to upgrade developers from their Dev Alpha device to a limited edition BlackBerry 10 smartphone if they submit a qualifying app by 21st January.
[BlackBerry Developer Blog]