Mark Bridge writes:
Orange Quick Tap is official. You can buy a Samsung Tocco Lite-a-like, add the details of a participating card provider and Bob's your uncle.
Except I've already got a phone. And a credit card that's not from Barclays. So what can I do?
Well, in the absence of an app that'll clone my credit card and store it on the phone, I need a plan. Here it is.
I take the NFC credit card I already have. I slide it inside my phone case. And I fire up my card company's mobile web page.
Now, I'll admit my homemade solution doesn't quite have the functionality of the app on the Tocco - and I don't get an up-to-the-minute report on my spending - but it's close enough.
All I need to do now is find a case that’ll also hold a few postage stamps and some change for the bus. Then it’ll be more like a real wallet.