Security technology company McAfee is to acquire Singapore-based tenCube, the provider of the WaveSecure mobile security service. It'll add WaveSecure’s locate, lock, back-up and wipe technology to the capabilities of Trust Digital, which it agreed to acquire in May. McAfee also plans to offer a child locator service using the unique technology from WaveSecure.
The company says people today are 15 times more likely to lose their phones than their laptop, making device loss the most worrisome and likely security incident that consumer mobile users face today.
Darius Cheung, chief executive officer of tenCube, said "Mobile devices have become an extension of our lives. Through this acquisition, McAfee can broaden its security capabilities and offer users protection and remote control of the phone whether it is in their possession or not. This means no more worries about the whereabouts of your phone or losing personal contacts, photos or messages."