In The Fonecast today we’re talking about HP; its decision to stop producing webOS tablets and phones, its purchase of Autonomy and the future for its computer business. In addition, we discuss Skype’s new mobile messaging purchase, Vodafone’s payment integration with the Android Market, Huawei’s move into the UK, Tru’s new CEO, three new BlackBerry devices and an Orange app that might put you off your breakfast.
As usual you’ll find the programme via our web-based audio player, on iTunes or by subscribing to our RSS feed.
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It's another big news week for the mobile industry. HP is dropping its webOS phones and tablets, Skype is buying a mobile messaging company, Symbian introduces 'Anna' and RIM has three new sociable BlackBerry devices.
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Mark Bridge writes:
This weekend, you could have picked up a HP TouchPad webOS tablet for $99. Both the HP USA online store and Best Buy in Canada were selling the obsolescent devices at a substantial discount.
Yet over here in the UK, we've seen nothing except a prize draw from The Carphone Warehouse and a less-than-£90 discount from Amazon. And I don't expect anything much better in the short-term.
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Mark Bridge writes:
Google and Motorola. HP and webOS. Each apparently heading in opposite directions when it comes to strategy.
However, although HP has pretty much pulled the plug on making webOS devices, it's not calling time on the webOS platform.
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Mark Bridge writes:
Let’s face it, last week’s Google/Motorola deal wasn’t widely predicted. Stasys Bielinis of Unwired View deserves a round of applause but I don’t remember hearing anyone else suggesting this radical move.
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