News Articles

Last week at The Fonecast: 18th June 2012

What next for Nokia?

Mark Bridge writes:

Oh, how cheerful we were last Monday. Apple previewed iOS6, which will bring mobile tickets (and 200 other new features) to the iPhone and iPad this autumn. Vodafone cut the cost of using your phone in Europe with its flat-rate £3-per-day EuroTraveller deal and a few days later Three came up with its own ‘unlimited’ European data roaming.

Yet by the end of the week there were fewer smiles in the mobile industry.

Author: The Fonecast
Article rating: No rating
Nokia cuts 10,000 staff, updates its strategy, changes the leadership team and sells Vertu

Nokia cuts 10,000 staff, updates its strategy, changes the leadership team and sells Vertu

Nokia says it’s making changes aimed at ‘sharpening its strategy’ and returning to profit.

It’ll be investing in location-based services and making this an area in which Nokia products stand out. The company is cutting up to 10,000 staff, reducing the number of factories its runs, acquiring a new business, selling its Vertu luxury brand and changing its leadership team.

Author: The Fonecast
Article rating: No rating

Today's podcast: UK mobile payments, new smartphones, cheaper call charges and more

This week’s podcast from The Fonecast starts with a look at Barclays Pingit, the new UK mobile payment service that’ll let almost anyone send and receive money from a smartphone. We then move on to Ofcom’s plans to cut mobile termination rates before discussing camera technology, new handsets, patents, NFC tickets and plenty of other topics.

As always, you can listen to the programme on our website audio player, via iTunes, by using our RSS feed or by downloading the MP3. Alternatively, take advantage of the Android, iOS or webOS Stitcher Radio app and stream the podcast to your mobile phone.

Author: The Fonecast
Article rating: No rating

Last week at The Fonecast: 20th February 2012

Mark Bridge writes:

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. So said Sir Arthur C Clarke.

Last week’s magic was supplied by imaging company Scalado, which announced a new product called ‘Remove’. The clue’s in the name: it can automatically remove unwanted people from photos taken on a mobile phone. Expect to see it on a handset near you before too long.

Author: The Fonecast
Article rating: No rating

Scalado introduces object removal for mobile device cameras

Mobile imaging company Scalado, which currently has its technology in over 1 billion devices worldwide, has announced a new product called simply ‘Remove’. It can automatically highlight and remove any unwanted object from a captured photo.

Scalado Remove detects movement when taking the photo, enabling users to remove people who walk in front of or behind the central subject.

Author: The Fonecast
Article rating: No rating


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