Mark Bridge writes:
I’ve recently been talking to Theo Neumann from Wolverhampton City Radio about the top ten gadgets that are likely to hit the headlines in 2013. The most desirable, most likely to be talked about, most exciting… that kind of thing. Although my top 10 list isn’t entirely mobile-related, I thought it was worth sharing here.
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Iain Graham, James Rosewell and Mark Bridge look into the future
Mark Bridge writes:
Predicting the future is easy. Making accurate predictions is more of a challenge. In our final podcast of 2012 we've provided a forecast for the mobile telecoms industry in 2013 - and we've also looked back at last year's expectations.
So... what do the three of us at expect from mobile phones and wireless technology next year?
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Look to the future now...
Mark Bridge writes:
It’s the week before Christmas, which can only mean one thing for the mobile industry: plenty of research news. Yes, when there isn’t anything new to talk about, a survey or forecast is the perfect way to fill the silence.
Mind you, things haven’t been entirely quiet when it comes to mobile products and services.
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Confusion by numbers
Mark Bridge writes:
The last few days have been particularly busy for UK telecoms regulator Ofcom. It started the week by announcing its rules for next year’s UK 4G mobile spectrum auction – expect services to go live in around six months – and it ended the week with plans to avoid a 5G capacity crunch.
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Expecting the expected
Mark Bridge writes:
Last week I referred to the previous week as having been ‘big news but no big surprises’ - and in many ways the past seven days have seen much of the same.
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