We’ve had Everything Everywhere launching the UK’s first 4G LTE trial in a corner of Cornwall - and now O2 is switching on the UK’s largest LTE network trial.
It’s set up a 4G network in London and will be running it as a trial for the next 9 months.
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Chinese telecoms company Huawei says it’ll open a European design centre for its mobile phone business in London early next year.
Staffing and location details haven’t yet been revealed.
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Nokia and independent WiFi provider Spectrum Interactive are trialling a free WiFi service on some of the busiest streets in London, including Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road.
It’s available from today for the rest of the year from hotspot locations in 26 telephone boxes owned by Spectrum Interactive. If the trial proves a success, the companies plan a large-scale rollout across London from early 2012.
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The UK’s tech and digital industry appears to be growing strongly, with Sunday’s Silicon Milkroundabout jobs fair in London rapidly filling up. It’ll see over 100 start-up companies offering 500 + developer jobs with salaries of up to £100,000.
London’s first Silicon Milkroundabout was held in May this year, welcoming over 400 attendees and 45 participating companies.
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Outdoor advertising company Clear Channel is launching a new type of digital poster site called LD6 (London Digital 6 Sheet).
Starting from 28th November, a hundred 72-inch HD screens will be installed at bus shelters across London. Companies will be able to develop custom content that’s tailored to each location, with the option of adding real-time updates such as news, weather, travel and social media information.
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