Samsung and Visa have announced plans to introduce mobile payments to the UK in time for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Both companies are sponsors of the London 2012 event.
There'll be a Samsung Olympic and Paralympic Games mobile phone provided to athletes and also available to the general public. The phone will also require a Visa-enabled SIM card to enable NFC contactless payments.
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London Underground is inviting telecoms companies to tender for providing public WiFi service across its network by June 2012. It follows last year's trial of WiFi technology at Charing Cross tube station.
The winning bidder will be given the go-ahead by the end of this year, which means the network could be in place for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
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Mark Bridge writes:
"It's political correctness gone mad, innit?" The terms and conditions for booking tickets to the London 2012 Olympic Games include a warning that certain items are banned. Food, flasks of drink, umbrellas, musical instruments and mobile phones are all on the prohibited list.
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A team of fraudsters has been sentenced to a total of 26 years in jail for a £2 million fraud that targeted UK mobile networks.
London Underground and BT are launching a six-month trial of WiFi service at London's Charing Cross tube station. The service, which will be available from 1st November, uses the BT Openzone service. It'll be chargeable, although around 5 million BT broadband customers and BT Openzone customers are eligible to use the service without paying any extra. Live Transport for London service updates will be available to all WiFi users.
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