Mark Bridge writes:
Mobile phones are vicious creatures. First they delivered a mortal blow to landline phones.
Emboldened, they began roaming the world looking for victims. They found plenty.
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Mark Bridge writes:
We head into the weekend with the News of the World admitting voicemail hacking was more widespread than previously thought. Mobile networks had already made it much harder to access voicemail remotely… and now the NotW is saying sorry and preparing to pay compensation.
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Mark Bridge writes:
Welcome to this week's news summary from
In Wednesday's podcast Iain joked that we ought to have a regular Olympics news story because everyone else was talking about the event constantly. Well, following the headlines about introducing WiFi to tube stations in time for London 2012 comes another Olympic news story.
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Mark Bridge writes:
Last week Nokia announced a new typeface called Nokia Pure.
The new branding will soon start appearing in Nokia's advertising and on Nokia devices as well.
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Mark Bridge writes:
There was big news from the United States this week as Deutsche Telekom decided to sell T-Mobile USA to AT&T. Was it a shotgun wedding or is this a carefully calculated deal designed to benefit consumers? Time will tell – assuming, of course, the merger gets approved by the US regulator.
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