Videogame retailer GAME is planning to introduce free WiFi to all its 341 UK shops by Christmas.
The new service, which will be offered in partnership with BT, enables the company to showcase all its gaming content to in-store customers.
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It’s reported that Acer has cancelled the launch of a new smartphone in China running the Aliyun cloud-based mobile operating system. Aliyun, which had been developed by the Alibaba Group, is already available on a number of devices from other manufacturers.
Alibaba is quoted as saying Google had told Acer it would terminate its Android-based cooperation and technology licensing if the launch went ahead.
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Music discovery service Shazam has announced that it’s exceeded a quarter of a billion users worldwide.
Last month the company revealed that its service had been used to identify over 5 billion songs, TV shows and ads since launching.
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Mark Bridge writes:
I wasn’t supposed to be at this year’s AMEE 2012 conference in Lyon. AMEE is the Association for Medical Education in Europe, which - as you can probably guess - has very little direct connection with the mobile phone industry. However, my wife was going because she works in medical education. Me? I fancied a trip to France.
Podcast - 14th September 2012
Mark Bridge visits the AMEE 2012 conference to discover how mobile devices and mobile applications are being used in medical education.
This report covers everything from social networking to specialist teaching apps for medical students.