Groupon, which offers one-day discount deals for consumers, has launched a new payment service called GrouponPayments.
The app-based service, which uses a plug-in card reader, enables US-based businesses to accept all credit card payments while guaranteeing a lower rate than other providers.
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An Expert Committee commissioned by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health has found no scientific evidence that low-level electromagnetic field exposure from mobile phones causes adverse health effects.
It assessed potential health hazards from the electromagnetic fields found around mobile phones, base stations, broadcasting transmitters and other communications equipment.
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New figures from the comScore MobiLens service have shown how the use of QR codes is becoming an increasingly popular way of promoting product information and encouraging sales.
The study, which collected information from smartphone users in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, revealed that the number of European smartphone users scanning QR codes via their devices grew by 96% in the past year to 17.4 million users.
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HTC is the latest manufacturer to announce smartphones that use the forthcoming Windows Phone 8 operating system, following recent launches by Samsung and Nokia.
Described as ‘the first signature Windows Phones’, the Windows Phone 8X and 8S will be available from November with distribution already arranged in over 50 countries worldwide, including the UK.
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3 months using a Nokia Lumia 800
James Rosewell writes:
The last time I used a Microsoft based mobile phone was 2008 in the form of the HTC Hermes. Since then Apple and Android have dominated my mobile life. It was therefore with more than a little trepidation that I switched over to Windows Phone 7.5 in the form of the Lumia 800 in July this year. Since then I’m continually being asked what I think of the phone and the operating system. Here are my experiences and thoughts.