A new report from Juniper Research forecasts that one in eight mobile phone users worldwide will either have a 'mobile ticket' delivered to their phone or will buy a ticket using their phone by 2015. That's over 750 million users, compared with 230 million people today.
The next two years are expected to see mobile ticketing become mainstream, with mobile barcode boarding passes and cinema tickets leading the way.
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Cathy Davies is the new Global Head of Communications and PR at Sony Ericsson, following last week's decision by Aldo Liguori to step down from the post. Steve Walker, currently acting Head of Marketing, is becoming the new Global Head of Marketing.
Cathy was previously Head of Brand & Strategy at the company, having joined Sony Ericsson in 2008 from Ford Motor Company. Steve's been with the venture since its establishment almost ten years ago.
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This week's edition of The Fonecast covers everything from the new iPad to O2's new content restrictions, from Android malware to Facebook messaging… and from mobile radio to Iain Graham rapping.
No, that's not a mistake (except in the artistic sense, perhaps). We really are talking about the same Iain Graham who hosts our podcasts.
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